When my NBHIS colleague asked me to join the Huamao 45th anniversary race I thought, “Why not?” But when she said she hoped I could run the 18km race, I hesitated. Only two months to train the goal could only be completing the race – I certainly couldn’t compete with the more prepared participants who were likely to join. But when I thought about the benefits – a charitable donation from Huamao, a chance to inspire my students, and a lot of much-needed exercise – I realized I had more reasons to say “yes” than “no.”
On the day of the event the weather was ideal for racing, and the course along Dongqian Lake promised beautiful views throughout the event to lift tired spirits. After Mr. Xu addressed the assembled runners, the race commenced with the athletes leaping across the starting line. Policemen, medical staff, race organizers and local residents all lined the course and offered encouragement throughout the race, which was ever more welcome as the distance increased. Many participants finished at 4.5km while others continued on until the 9km mark. But in my event reaching 9km simply meant it was time to turn around and head back to the start. From that time on my mind was focused on nothing but finishing, even as the pain in my feet, knees, and chest demanded that I stop.
As we neared the finish line we could hear the crowd cheering for each runner as he finished, and their enthusiasm gave us the energy to finish strong, heads held high, arms and legs pumping, our feet barely touching the ground. The feeling was wonderful: a mix of relief that the race was finished, and happiness that our efforts would help others.
NBHIS Joshua Beard