总第130期 2017年3月 上一期 下一期

第八版 寰球天地

The Three-body Problem


The Three-body Problem is a series of scientific fiction (sci-fi for short) written by Liu Cixin. Liu is the first person to win the Award of Scientific Fiction who was not born in the English-speaking countries.

Liu makes the best of his limitless imagination to make his novels more realistic, reasonable and vivid. He almost perfectly mixes the 5000-year-long history of the Chinese civilization with the 15,000,000,000-year-long history of the universe. Through the details, he shows us another aesthetic(审美的) standard, which revolutionizes(彻底改变) our outlook of the world.

In his story, human beings might have to live in space ships in the future and our bodies would be thin and long as paper. This fiction offers me a sense of crisis(危机) that cannot be described in words. One day we might be destroyed by a small piece of paper. We may have all underestimated(低估) the powerful existence of other intelligent life.

The Three-body Problem《三体》讲述了一个奇异科幻故事。文化大革命如火如荼进行的同时,军方探寻外星文明的绝秘计划“红岸工程”取得了突破性进展。但在按下发射键的那一刻,历经劫难的叶文洁没有意识到,她彻底改变了人类的命运。地球文明向宇宙发出的啼鸣声,以太阳为中心,以光速向宇宙深处飞驰。四光年外,“三体文明”正苦苦挣扎——三颗无规则运行的太阳主导下的百余次毁灭与重生逼迫他们逃离母星。而恰在此时,他们接收到了地球发来的信息。在运用超技术锁死地球人的基础科学之后,三体人庞大的宇宙舰队开始向地球进发,人类的末日悄然来临。


(宁波华外高中部409班  程泽宇)


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